Some times our micro SD cards or pen drives contain some serious viruses which can not be deleted by using anti virus. in this type of condition we have only one way to get access our SD card normally by formatting it.
but our important data such as pictures and videos also deleted with the formatting.
so we want them back from the SD card.
For recovery of deleted images or videos, you just need to follow the simple steps given below.
1. First of all download card recover from here card recover
2. Install card recover to your computer.
3. Connect your sd card or pen drive to your computer.
4. Open card recovery software on your computer.
5. Click next and you will go on step -1
6. Choose your device name generally it will be named as D: or F:
7. Select file type you want to recover such as photos,videos and then click next.
8. Now you are on Step -2 and your files recovery is in progress.
9. When step -2 is completed you will go on step -3.
10. Now you have to choose that which files you want to recover if you want to recover all files then click on select all.
11. After choosing the files click next.
12 now you are all done open recover folder and just see your files.
NOTE : before using the card recovery software do’not forget to crack it by the cracker which is provided with it.
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So that is how you can Recover Deleted Photos or videos from your SD card or pen drive. If you have any query related to our post please comment below.