Today we have brought to you an cool “Docomo Free Internet trick of 2016” the trick is very easy to use and anyone with less or no knowledge about these type of tricks can easily use this trick. Because we describe all the tricks in detail so our readers don’t not confuse using these tricks.
Many readers of our blog request us to post working docomo free internet trick of 2016, so today we have brought to you this 100% working internet trick without any docomo recharge. Some peoples may don’t like the tricks in which they are forced to recharge their number by an specific amount to use the free internet, that’s why we are going to tell you this cool trick to use free docomo internet of 3G speed. This internet trick is working for both 2G and 3G users of docomo and this trick is also works on both mobile phone and PC. The trick is working in many states you can also try this trick and tell us in comment box whether it is working in your state or not.
Docomo Free Internet trick 2016

We will update this page often to tell you the new working docomo tricks of 2016, so you can bookmark this page to instant access or follow us on social media to get instant updates in news feeds. The tricks have some requirements also, so first of all let’s have a look on requirements for Docomo Free Internet trick of 2016.
Also Read: Idea Free Internet Trick March 2016
Requirements of Docomo Free Internet trick
- Balance should be less than 1 rupee.
- Don’t use this trick with any balance in your sim otherwise it will be deducted for using internet, so before using this trick make sure your balance is less than 1 rupee.
- An activated docomo sim card.
- Net setter if you are not using internet by phone.
How to use Free internet in docomo
For Mobile/Tablet users
This trick is based on proxy so you will have to apply the proxy settings in your phone or PC to use free internet. Follow the simple steps given below to start surfing unlimited docomo free 3G internet, So let’s have a look on the docomo internet trick briefly.
- First of all Go to your phone’s settings and create a new access point.
In Samsung android phone Go to Settings > More Networks > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names.
Now use these settings in new access point
- Account Name:
- Access point name: tatadocomointernet
- Proxy:
- Port: 80
- Leave all other field blank and save the settings.
- Select new access point as default.
- Open any browser set google as homepage and start surfing free internet.
- That’s it now you can enjoy free internet on your phone.
Read Also: Airtel 3G Free Internet Trick March 2016
For Desktop/Laptop users
- First of all connect your Net setter in your PC with activated docomo sim card.
- Use the settings in APN same as the given above.
- Open your PC’s internet browser and apply the settings given below.
- Go to browser’s settings and change the proxy and port settings as given below.
- Proxy:
- Port: 80
- Save these settings and restart your internet browser.
- That’s it now you can use free 3G unlimited internet on desktop/PC.
So above we have told you a very easy and simple Tata docomo free internet trick of 2016, try this trick and tell us in comment box about your experience with this cool trick. If this trick is not working in your state than don’t be upset, we will share more cool tricks that would works in your state also. Till then stay connected with us, like our Facebook page to get regular updates of latest tips&tricks in your news feeds. You can also subscribe to our blog via email, the subscription box is given in Primary sidebar and footer. If you like the trick then don’t forget to share it with your friends and make them happy with free internet tricks of 2016.